Strength analysis of sectional flat wagon supporting structures when transported by a railway ferry
flat wagon, design adaptation, combined transport, maritime transport, rail-ferry crossingsAbstract
The goal of the research is to present the main peculiarities, with relate with the loads of flat wagon during maritime transport. A feature of the flat wagon is that its structure consists of two sections and special nodes are provided to fasten it to the ferry deck. A derived mathematical model expresses the lateral loading of the flat wagon under the conditions of a railway ferry roll. This derived model allows to to determine the acceleration and, accordingly, the loads due to the dynamic effects, which act to the flat wagon main load-bearing structure. These loads were considered in calculations of the strength of the main load-bearing structure of the solved wagon. The calculations lead to the results, that the strength of the main load-bearing structure of the considered flat wagon is maintained under the conditions of the considered type of oscillations. The performed research will contribute to improving the safety of maritime transport.
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