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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission files are in pdf and Microsoft Word document file format (.doc or .docx).
  • At the references section all DOI numbers are presented. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All the submission Metadata (all Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Author contributions, Disclosure statement, OrcID) are presented.
  • The author(s) must have the right to publish all the material included in the manuscript (tables, figures, etc.).

Author Guidelines

Download the Author Information Pack in pdf


Manuscripts should be submitted in English through our online system according to the template. The submission has to contain the source (in case of MsWord in doc or docx format) and the pdf version of the manuscript.


Manuscript template is available in MsWord format. Please note that all papers must use the template.

Types of paper

The Journal publishes Research Article, Review and Mini Review.

  • Research article: A manuscript that describes original research or a well-documented case study. Originality is defined as new experimental data, new interpretations of existing data, or new theoretical analyses of phenomena. Word limit: 6,000.
  • Review: Invited only. A summary and discussion of the literature regarding a specific area. Word limit: 6,000.
  • Mini review: A sharply focused, selectively referenced summary of the relevant area, usually written by early career researchers. Word limit: 4,000.

The word count does not include the title, authors, affiliations, keywords, abstract, acknowledgements, author contributions, disclosure statement, OrcID, appendix and references.


Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order:

  1. Title
  2. Authors
  3. Affiliations
  4. Abstract
  5. Keywords
  6. Main text
  7. Acknowledgements (optional)
  8. Author contributions
  9. Disclosure statement
  10. OrcID (if exists)
  11. Appendix (optional)
  12. References

Title, Author list and Affiliations

Title: The Title should be concise and informative. Abbreviations are not allowed in the Title. Titles consisting of more than 25 words should be avoided.

Authors: List the first name, middle name, and last name of each author. Indicate all affiliations of the authors with lower-case superscript letters right after the author’s name. Indicate the corresponding author, to whom post-publication inquiries should be addressed with an asterisk (*). In the header, author names are expected in the "C. Surname" format where "C" is the initial of the first name. In the case of 2 authors give the names of each author, between the names use "and", over 3 authors give the names of the first authors, then use the expression "et al.".

Affiliations: The institutions/companies where the actual work was carried out. The institutional affiliations of all authors (university and department, respectively) and full postal address should be given. Contact: The e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided just below the affiliations on the first page of the manuscript.

The format of the author’s names, affiliations and contact on the first page of the manuscript should be formatted as follows:

Alpha Author1, Beta Author2,*, Gamma Author1,2
1Institution, Department, Street Address, Postal Code, City, State, Country
2Institution, Department, Street Address, Postal Code, City, State, Country


Abstract must accompany all manuscript types (Research article, Review, Mini review). Informative, rather than indicative abstracts are preferred. Accordingly, it should not only state the purpose of the research, but it should also contain the major findings.  The abstracts should describe the purpose, methods or procedures, novelty of the new results (if applicable), and conclusions. Do not break the abstract into sections. References and abbreviations are to be avoided in the Abstract. The Abstract should be of 100 to 250 words.


All manuscript types should contain 46 keywords, with each keyword separated by semicolons. General and plural terms and multiple concepts should be avoided. Do not use abbreviations in the keywords.

Main text

The main text should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Experimental, Results (if applicable), Discussion, Conclusions. The authors can decide to prepare a combined section of Results and Discussion. The length of the article should be in between 6-18 pages using the template of Acta Technica Jaurinensis. All papers should be written in English (American or British is both accepted, however, not a mixture of those).


The authors should list all funding sources in the Acknowledgements. This is also the appropriate section to recognize the contributions from people who provided help throughout the research, but did not meet the criteria for authorship.


Authors are free to provide any additional information, including data, extra figures and tables within the appendices. When referencing figures, table or equations that are provided in this section, they should be identified with an “A” letter: Figure A1; Table A1; Equation (A1).  


The author(s) takes/take the full responsibility for the accuracy of their references. The format of references must be uniform and consistent with the instructions below. All publications cited in the text should be referred to by a number in square brackets (e.g., [1]). Note that only one reference belongs to one number. Use “Cite” style for left alignment and automatic numbering. All DOI numbers should be represented if available.

The examples of references of papers in English [1], papers in other languages [2], books [3], book chapters [4], conference proceedings [5], theses [6], standards [7], patents [8] and online [9] are shown in Sample references. If the page numbering of the journal is not continuous within one year, the article ID should be given instead of the page numbers [10]. The DOI number and the URL must be hyperlinks [1, 3, 5-6, 9-11].

In the list of references, author names are expected in the "C. Family" format where "C" is the initial of the first name. Till there are 3 authors, give the names of each author [2], over 3 authors give the names of the first 2 authors, then use et al. [11]. Provide the complete title of publication (title of paper, book, book chapter, standard, patent). Do not abbreviate journal or conference names, e.g. write "Transactions on Medical Imaging" instead of "Trans Med Imaging".

Sample references

[1]       V. A. Szabó, G. Dogossy, Recycling of mineral water bottles with chemical foaming, Acta Technica Jaurinensis 10 (2) (2017) pp. 157–167.
[2]       E. Turfa, G. Dogossy, F. Ronkay, Improvement of recycled pet properties by reactive extrusion, Anyagok Világa 11 (2) (2013) pp. 50–58, in Hungarian.
[3]       M. Kuczmann, A. Iványi, The Finite Element Method in Magnetics, 1st Edition, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2008.
[4]       M. Kuczmann, Identification of isotropic and anisotropic vector preisach model, in: A. Iványi (Ed.), Preisach Memorial Book: Hysteresis models in mathematics, physics and engineering, 1st Edition, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2005, pp. 89–102.
[5]       A. Kovács, G. Lencse, Modelling of virtualized servers, in: N. Herencsár, K. Molnár (Eds.), 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing: TSP 2015, Brno University of Technology, Brno, 2015, pp. 241–245.
[6]       V. Nagy, Examination and modeling of porosity in polyester twisted fibrous structures, Ph.D. thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2006).
[7]       Plastics – determination of tensile properties – part 1: General principles, ISO 527-1:2012 (2012).
[8]       M. Horski, Brushless motor with inside mounted single bearing, US 5654598 A (1997).
[9]       CostumPartNet, Injection molding (2018) [cited 2018-01-24].
[10]     L. Lendvai, I. Sajó, J. Karger-Kocsis, Effect of Storage Time on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Starch/Bentonite Nanocomposites, Starch-Starke 71 (1-2) (2019) 1800123.
[11]     M. Gáspár, Z. Benkő et al., Reducing water absorption in compostable starch-based plastics, Polymer Degradation and Stability 90 (3) (2005) pp. 563-569.

Formulas and Equations

Formulas and Equations should be prepared using Word Equation Editor. References should be numbered with Arabic numerals and referred to in the text: Equation (1). Formulas should be written in a consistent manner throughout the whole document.

Figures and Tables

All figures and tables should be referenced within the text and they should be inserted below the paragraph where they are referenced. The corresponding caption of the Figures should be placed directly below the figure, while the captions of tables should be placed above the tables. Both the figures and the tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, however, their sequence should be independent from each other. The maximum number of figures (including subfigures) and tables is 20. Further images and tables can be provided within the Appendix section, if necessary. The font size used in the figures and tables should be identical to the fonts used in the text. The resolution of the figures should be at least 300 dpi.

The manuscript should only contain images created by the authors, otherwise, permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted images from other sources. The burden of including copyrighted materials - which would require third-party permissions - lies with the authors.


Define all abbreviations in the manuscript right at their first mention. Make sure that abbreviations are consistent throughout the whole article.