Optimizing cutting fluid usage in cutting processes on CNC machines: A conceptual digital twin model for ecological sustainability
Cutting fluid optimization, Digital twin, SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique), Ecological sustainability, Sensors systemAbstract
The increasing demand for environmentally friendly manufacturing processes has led to the need for optimizing the use of cutting fluids in turning and milling processes. Cutting fluids are commonly used in cutting processes to reduce tool wear and improve cutting performance. However, cutting fluids have a negative impact on environment and human health. This paper proposes a conceptual model of аn information system based on digital twin of the production process. This system will enable monitoring of the manufacturing process and provide a decision support system for helping industrial engineers manage its parameters. The model is represented by using SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique), and it is presented by using one of the most common problems of optimizing cutting fluid usage in cutting processes on CNC machines from an ecological perspective. The proposed model considers various cutting process parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut) and cutting environment factors (cutting process temperature) to determine the optimal cutting fluid flow rate. To optimize the usage of cutting fluid, the smart information system acquires, processes, and stores data from cutting process temperature and cutting fluid flow sensors to establish the correlation between process parameters and sensor data, which is then used to develop a model. The proposed model can be integrated with existing CNC machines to reduce environmental impact while maintaining high productivity. This paper provides a promising approach for optimizing cutting fluid usage in CNC machining processes while promoting ecological sustainability.
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