A Survey on the Use-Cases and Deployment Efforts Toward Converged Internet of Things (IoT) and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Environments
IoT-V2X convergence, Internet of Vehicles, Cooperative ITS, V2X applications, technology evolutionAbstract
In the past few years, automotive Internet of Things (IoT) solutions have become one of the most significant IoT application areas in the shape of vehicular communication to connect vehicles and such the so-called Internet of Vehicles (IoV) to be used in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) environments. With an increasing level of cooperation, ITS could facilitate smart city operations by providing cooperative intelligent traffic solutions. Modern Cooperative ITS (C-ITS) solutions have started to be implemented in the whole world with various deployment models and significant improvements in the integration of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication and IoT solutions. To highlight the current V2X technology evolution towards an IoT/IoV era, this paper presents a comprehensive survey about the convergence between IoT and V2X use-cases together with their supporting technologies in the cooperative ITS ecosystem worldwide. We show how IoT could enable advanced V2X applications to get widespread and increase ITS efficiency.
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