Development of comparative investigation method for timing chain wear analysis using oscillating tribometer
timing chain, wear measurement, tribometer, motor oil, sootAbstract
This paper presents the development of a test procedure to investigate timing chain components under abrasive stress on a tribometer. Engine developers use cost and time expensive engine dynamometer tests to investigate timing chain life expectancy under different conditions. Tribometer tests are fast and cost effective, but these use standardized specimen material and geometry that greatly differ from the original tribological system of the timing chain. Manufacturing specimens from the original chain material using the original technology is complicated; surface quality and hardness properties cannot be guaranteed. The aim of research was to develop a test method for rapid and cost-effective comparison of engine lubricants, timing chain materials or coatings, as well as to assess the wear resistance of the chain to contaminants. Various uncontaminated and carbon black blended lubricants were compared using standard-based ball-on-disc tribometer tests to tribometer tests using actual timing chain components (bush-on-pin test) of a Diesel engine. Lubricants were ranked in terms of coefficient of friction and wear. Results showed that bush-on-pin tests were comparably suitable for testing lubricants when evaluated against standard ball-on-disc tribometer tests.
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