A review of Turkey’s high-speed rail experience
COVID-19, economic development, high-speed rail, spatial equity, TurkeyAbstract
The multidimensional characteristics of the HSR networks make debated the benefits of them. In this context, the aim of this study is to review of Turkey’s HSR systems from spatial equity perspective within the framework of recent research and developments. The latest secondary data from the official statistics of the Ministries of Development; Environment and Urbanization; Industry and Technology of Turkey has been used for the purpose of the analysis. The research methods included: critical analysis of the source literature, analysis of secondary data (desk-research) and graphic methods (tables and maps), by means of which the results of the study have been presented. The main argument of study is that considering the current geographical location of the HSR network of the country, it creates challenges in terms of spatial equity and deepens the regional polarization. The existing HSR network has facilitated mobility, especially in terms of domestic tourism. However, the usage of the HSR by a limited part of population and restrictions applied due to the COVID-19 pandemic question the amount of returns of the HSR’s costs, which are enough expensive investments in Turkey. On the other hand, increasing inequalities arising from the HSR infrastructures shaped on the basis of factors such as the geographical features of the country, general development level, population and demand density, are tried to be minimized by roadway and airway alternatives.
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