Analysis of vehicle-pedestrian and bicyclist conflicts in Győr-Hungary using Swedish conflict technique
traffic conflict, Swedish conflict technique, Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) safetyAbstract
Increasing traffic volumes leads to changes in traffic conditions, especially at intersections. These changes affect the ability of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) such as pedestrians and bicyclists to cross the road safely, especially at un-signalized crossings (without traffic lights), where many road users are conflicting at the same point of the road and neglecting 'in some cases' the priority issue. Although the emphasis on pedestrian safety has recently increased, there is still a need to analyze the causal factors of VRUs accidents and define their relationship to road design characteristics. This paper presents a study bout vehicle – pedestrian and bicyclist conflicts analysis using Swedish conflict technique at three un-signalized pedestrian crossings in the city of Győr- Hungary, where some pedestrian accidents were happened between 2014 and 2018, and reported based on accidents database in Hungary. The aim is to analyse vehicle-pedestrian and bicyclist interactions, and evaluate the severity of conflicts with the help of the Swedish technique graph. The findings concluded that there is a compatibility between Swedish conflict technique and accident records with regard to conflicts severity and the probability of accidents occurrence.
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