Examination of the cost ratio of the formwork
formwork, cost ratio, buildingsAbstract
In case of construction investments, the cost estimation was always important. The reason for this is that after the planning, the most important issue is the cost of the investment. There are many different estimation methods. These estimates may vary in depth, depending on the task and the plan. The question is what happens if we wanted to predict not only the total cost of the investment but also the cost of some parts and structures. Such a cost element is the formwork cost of the monolithic reinforced concrete structures. This is a special processing aid, which makes it difficult to calculate accurately. The study is based on a cost analysis of the construction of 22 completed buildings over the last 10 years. Here, the cost of the formwork was compared to the total cost of the construction. By examining the 22 buildings together, we made findings over the years. We wanted to find out how much the construction price changes affected the structure and the formwork costs. The other direction of our research was the cost analysis within each building type, focusing on the formwork. In this analysis, we defined six types of buildings, such as detached, dwelling, condominium, public, office buildings, and other types of buildings. This study does not include the cost of the formwork types specific to each component, but from the foundation to the ascending structures, it analyses them in a single system.
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