Optimal operation of a rail lubrication device with respect to noise reduction and wheel/rail friction coefficient
tramway, rail lubrication, noise reduction, rail roughness, friction coefficient, rail grindingAbstract
During research work, three series of studies were performed to support the importance of using rail lubrication at tramway tracks in Budapest. The first task was to determine the noise reduction efficiency of automated rail lubrication: noise measurements were performed in case of lubricated rails with corrugations, non-lubricated rails with corrugations, grinded rails as well as grinded and lubricated rails. Once the conformity was determined, an additional task was to find the right lubricant. After the noise and braking effect tests of various lubricants, it was a legitimate need to determine the optimum lubricant application because the setting of the devices is based only on the experience of the Operator. Finally, the noise mitigation effect and the friction coefficient affecting the wheel/rail contact with different lubricant application settings were investigated simultaneously. It is important that the lubricant be applied in appropriate amount such that even the safe movement of the trams is guaranteed, but at the same time the noise reduction is satisfactory too. Based on the results, the authors make recommendations for the application of the rail lubrication devices.
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