Physical Internet: A solution for the Supply Chain disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Supply Chain Management, Physical Internet, COVID-19, Supply Chain disruption, pandemicAbstract
Supply chain disruption is characterized by a significant decrease in the production or delivery of a supply chain, including events like fire, system downsizing, natural disasters and quality issues, unexpected surge incapacity, and pandemic disease COVID-19. This will lead to lower productivity, higher prices, increased consumer frustration, etc. Logistics activities are suspended due to COVID-19 by closing the borders between countries. For that reason, we will specify our research on the impact of this disease on the Supply Chain Management and to show up the important issues and how the digital solution like the Physical Internet could solve these disruptions. The Physical Internet is still an emerging phenomenon in which it is intended to replace the current logistics model by encompassing new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, the Internet of things, and others. This article aims to compose conceptual research to describe Supply Chain Management problems during the COVID-19 pandemic and to represent the physical internet as a solution for this disruption based on various journal articles, papers, websites, and managers' experiences. Further, this study helps to increase the understanding of scholars and practitioners on how the novel PI paradigm can be a solution to COVID-19-induced supply chain disruptions. Furthermore, the physical internet and other modern technologies in the business world are absolutely necessary and recommended, as these current issues now require quick decisions and up-to-date knowledge.
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