A survey on the performance analysis of IPv6 transition technologies
IPv6 Transition Technologies; 464XLAT; Dual Stack; Tunneling; MAP-T/EAbstract
As the public IPv4 address space has already been depleted, the full deployment of IPv6 became indispensable, especially for service providers, as it offers a sufficient address pool. However, the ongoing IPv6 transition seems to be a lengthy task because of the numerous challenges it faces. Therefore, it is expected that IPv4 and IPv6 will coexist for a long time. Consequently, many transition technologies have been developed for this purpose. Several research papers have conducted performance analysis for a number of these transition technologies and even compared them based on some measuring metrics like RTT, throughput, jitter, packet loss, and so on. This paper reviews the results of these papers, discusses their findings, and gives some guidelines fora feasible benchmarking methodology.
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