The Rolling-Mill Rolls Manufacturing Between the Logistics Processes and the Quality Assurance


  • I. Kiss
  • V. G. Cioata
  • V. Alexa


quality assurance, cast-iron rolls, manufacturing, laboratory research, mathematical modelling


Quality assurance is the activity of providing evidence needed to establishquality in work, and that activities that require good quality are beingperformed effectively. All those planned or systematic actions arenecessary to provide enough confidence that a product or service willsatisfy the given requirements of quality. Quality assurance covers allactivities from design, development, production, installation, servicing anddocumentation. It includes the regulation of the quality of raw materials;assemblies; products and components; services related to production, andmanagement; production; and inspection processes. Our proposalapproaches the issue of quality assurance of the rolling mills rolls, from theviewpoint of the quality of materials, which feature can cause duration andsafety in exploitation. The experimented durability research, as well as theoptimization of the manufacturing technology, allows for the conclusion ofdirect results on the rolls. The beneficiaries of these results are the unit inwhich the rolls are manufactured, as well as the unit that exploits them. Thetechnological manufacturing process of the rolling mills rolls, as well as thequality of material used in manufacturing them, can have a differentinfluence upon the quality and the safety in the exploitation.


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How to Cite

Kiss, I., Cioata, V. G., & Alexa, V. (2008). The Rolling-Mill Rolls Manufacturing Between the Logistics Processes and the Quality Assurance. Acta Technica Jaurinensis, 1(2), pp. 295–303. Retrieved from



Transportation Science, Logistics and Agricultural Engineering